1. With Cara, a large 2-year-old
Doberman who was very friendly
so this week was a roller coaster of fun and interesting times.
Tuesday I went on exchange with Elder Colver who is the district leader's
companion. We taught a couple lessons but then had to head back to the
apartment to wait for a guy who was going to give us an estimate
on the mission car we drive. While it was with the other set of Elders, some lady while
talking on her cell phone backed into it creating a massive dent. The total
cost of the damage was approximately $1000.
Before we
met up with the estimator guy though, one of Elder Colver's investigators on Facebook
reported that she was going through a crisis. We sort of had to book it to get
back to the problem. Since I don't have a Facebook for missionary work, I kind
of just sat there awkwardly as he dealt with the situation.
Wednesday we had our zone meeting, which is when all the missionaries in the
stake meet and receive trainings from the zone leaders. One of the
announcements made was in order for someone to meet the
requirements of Facebook, they must teach 20 people consecutively for two
weeks--for me that really hurt and irritated me.
The zone
leaders had set it at 15 prior to this and I was able to achieve it once by
teaching 16 lessons last week which was really good for the area we are in. But
as I looked back at the records, the last time
anyone taught 20 lessons was way before we even got to Hendersonville.
On top of
that later that day we were blasted by the number of other lessons we had per
week. Other lessons are essentially lessons without a member present. It was
almost like they were saying "Are you even doing anything there?!"
With the stress of the world, mission, and area I broke down in the pouring
rain in sheer frustration.
Elder Moeller did his best to calm me down and cheer
me up but I was pretty shaken
till later that night when we received an apology as well as a notification
that the zone leaders would be going on exchange with us.
On Friday
I went on exchange with Elder Cullum and we went to an elderly care facility
called Wings. We were not prepared at all. All we had was an address and a very
brief summary of what the sisters did while
they were there. We met 7-9 elderly folk who were eagerly excited to hear from
us although we had no clue what to do. Elder Cullum and I agreed that we would
sing. So with our iPads as the background music we sang "I am a Child of
God", "A Child's Prayer", and "Love one Another" all
of which are from the Children's Songbook.
I bore my
testimony on faith and prayer and then after the 30 minutes we were there, we
left. It was a truly humbling and interesting experience. After tracting for 4
hours without any success afterwards, Elder
Cullum finally said he understood that we were trying hard out here which was
exactly what I wanted him to see.
Saturday and Sunday we had our stake conference and on Sunday I sang in a
missionary choir the EFY Medley (which is As Sisters in Zion combined with
We'll Bring The World His Truth combined). It was a very spiritual experience
and loads of people cried as we sang. It was sweet. Later that night we went
over to a member's house and had homemade fried chicken. It was incredibly
delicious. While there he had me play his Les Paul electric guitar which was
incredibly beautiful and I also got to mess around with his 2 year old Doberman
named Cara. Super adorable big dog.
2. Elder Moeller with
Cara, the Doberman
Today we
went over to Opryland where a member worked at a go-kart and mini-golf place.
We got in for very low prices and it was loads of fun.
3. At the starting
gate at the go-kart track in Opryland
I ended up beating everyone in the go-kart
race and only wrecked once into Elder Hohneke. He was trying to turn and I may
have...accidentally... spun him out and then once reset, took the lead and kept
it. To be fair I lapped him again so that counts.
4. Wrecking into Elder
At mini
golf we had a lot of fun and I didn't do too bad in that either. It was all in all
a fun day.
5. At the mini golf course.
I am now
reading in 1st Timothy in my Bible Challenge and am set to finish long before
Christmas. Meanwhile Elder Moeller is preparing for his sfinal 8 days as a
missionary. Hopefully after this transfer I won't have to deal with too many
more companions that are going home. And hopefully, we will have a better week!
We are
expecting miracles and we hope you are as well.
Thank you for your prayers and continued support. I appreciate you all so much.
Elder Peery
6. Passing Elder Cullum
on the racetrack
7. Passing Elder
Womack and later the rest of them
8. BYU buses at Opryland?
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